i am wan zhi kai
Hi there! π
I am Wan Zhi Kai, a Singaporean software engineer, specialised in frontend development. I am currently a high school student at Hwa Chong Institution and I am 15 years old this year! π
I have been self-taught in programming since I was 5 years old. I am passionate about building beautiful, functional, and intuitive web applications.
I mainly use technologies like TypeScript, ReactJS, NextJS, and TailwindCSS in my projects, including this website! π
I am also fluent in English, Chinese, but I'm learning Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian)!
what do i use?
Front-End, also known as UI/UX, is where the user interacts with the website.
Back-End, also known as server-side, is where the server communicates with the database.
These are the tools that I use to make my workflow more efficient.
These are some other libraries that I know how to use, and am proficient in.
what have i built?
This website! It acts as a portfolio, while showcasing my projects, experiences, and hobbies.
A Netflix clone made with NextJS, TailwindCSS, and TypeScript. It has authentication fully implemented and a database with firebase and firestore.
Inspired by JSF, PyF is a Python obfuscator that converts Python code into unreadable code.
contact me
Here's my Facebook profile. I don't use it much, but you can still message me there.
I use Telegram regularly! You can contact me there.
My personal and social profile - Instagram! You can drop me a message, or send a follow request.
My code repository, GitHub. You can find my projects, contributions, and profile there.
My professional profile, LinkedIn. I don't check it regularly though.
Another social profile, X. I don't use it much though.